Refund Policy
If your product is defective, immediately let our staff know and we'll send you a replacement.
We are unable to accept returns on retailer purchases, incorrectly purchased products, and products damaged due to customer error.
Lastly, we do not accept returns for non-damaged items or items that have been delivered incorrectly.
To request for a return, please email our support staff. Once the claim is approved, they will ask you to send your items back to our global warehouse in Australia. Please note that the purchaser will bear any shipping costs associated with the returns.
We offer a 12 month guarantee on our products. If you aren't completely satisfied with your purchase, simply send the product back within 90 days of receiving your product and we'll promptly refund your money once we receive your product. Please note that the product must be received in original condition with original packaging. The refund will be processed once our team confirms receipt of the return!
To make an order cancellation please contact us immediately: info(at)chief.internationalย If you cancel your purchase within 24-hours, we can unconditionally refund your money. Otherwise, your items willย need to be returned to our global warehouse before we can issue the refund to you.ย
Shipping Costs
It is the responsibility of the customer to pay any shipping costs when returning a product. These costs are nonrefundable. Should you receive a refund on your purchase, the cost of shipping will be deducted.
The time it takes for your exchanged product to reach you will largely vary on your location.
Weย strongly encourage you to use a trackable shipping service or shipping insurance.ย
Sale Items
We do not offer refunds on clearance items. Only regularly priced items are refundable.
Should you need more information about our refund policy, please reach out to usย atย info(at)
Our customer service reps are availableย to assist you.